Fast foward
Sometimes I want to fast forward
Skip ahead a bit
Just to know
Am I headed the wrong way
Or a dead end
Is this idea going to pop?
Should I commit to this girl?
What if I move to Nashville?
Who knows?
The universe makes no mistakes
But sometimes I wish there was at least a sign
That’s when I try to listen
And be at peace with the path
But there’s this voice in the back of my head
That wonders
The other lives lived
Had I taken a left
If I went to the other school
If I stopped her as she passed
What would it all look like then?
Seems like a handful of defining moments
Makes up our lives
Fate I guess
Sometimes I want to fast forward
And see how the story plays out
And sometimes I want to rewind
But not so I can change things,
Just so I can feel some moments again